NMEA 2000 Network Installation - Part One

At the time of purchase all electronics on-board were working (past tense) and separated into three distinct systems:

1. Instruments: anemometer, depth, log. 
2. Navigation: Chartplotter, Autohelm, and VHF (for the AIS overlay).
3. Radar: Raytheon RX10 Radar.  

So, having read enough books to scare anyone away from sailing, radar seemed mission critical. Further reading on how to use radar I discovered radar assisted collisions. This posed a bit of a conundrum. The riddle would read - you have it to avoid collisions but it also assists in people colliding.

Radar installed

Radar installed


For added confidence on the channel crossing it became the first job we would complete: replacing the very-close-to-your-head 1.5KW brain liquefying microwave device, with a modern small output digital one.

ElectronicsDan James